Career Connect Southwest

Career Connect Southwest2023-04-26T08:17:12-07:00

Meeting the career development needs of all of Southwest Washington’s youth


About Career Connect SW

By 2030, more than 70% of high-demand, family-sustaining wage jobs available in our state will require postsecondary degree credentials; 68% of those will require postsecondary STEM credentials or foundational STEM literacy. Career Connect SW is a Network of system actors in the ESD112 region that work to ensure that our cradle to career system is poised to meet this demand. This strategic plan represents the common vision and mission of our 30 school districts, three institutes of higher education, workforce boards and over 80 employers and community-based organizations.

We believe that:

  • Preparing students to graduate STEM Literate, with the knowledge and skills to succeed in future-ready careers; and with a solid Career Connected Learning foundation is a primary catalyst for impacting the region’s economic future;
  • Multiple postsecondary education and training pathways exist to meet the needs of employers as well as potential employees and that these pathways are not currently accessible to all students; and
  • A commitment by the major stakeholders in each region to address the college and career readiness gap through collective impact is essential, as no one entity can tackle complex systems-level problems.
Career Connect Southwest

Our Vision

Each student graduates STEM Literate with clear pathways from school to prosperous career opportunities that are not limited by social, cultural, gender, racial, geographic or economic factors.

Our Mission

Career Connect SW engages with K12, higher education, business, industry and the community to expand the skilled workforce by supporting opportunities for students to explore and prepare for indemand and sustaining careers in every community in the ESD 112 region. .


Our Services

We organize our programming and support along the Washington Career Connected Learning Framework, which begins in Kindergarten and supports students through high school and into their chosen career pathway.

Program Contacts

Contact Us

Vickei Hrdina

Director of K12- Workforce-Higher Ed Partnerships



Serena Decator

CCSW & REACH Program Specialist



Chad Mullen

CCSW Network Manager



Melanie Walker

CTE and CCL Coordinator



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ESD 112
ESD 112March 10, 2025 at 10:00am
This week, we're celebrating Education Support Professionals Week! From the friendly faces greeting students each morning to the amazing individuals maintaining our facilities, managing technology, transporting students, supporting classrooms, and keeping everything running smoothly behind the scenes - our Education Support Professionals are the heart of education.

To all ESPs in the ESD 112 region: Thank you for your unwavering dedication to our students and schools! #ESPWeek2025

Career Readiness & STEM News

Meet the new College & Career Readiness advisors

In the transformative years when students begin making important decisions about their future, College and Career Readiness Advisors (CCRAs) serve as essential navigators, guiding students through the complex landscape of the many post-graduation opportunities. [...]

Expanding education with the Rural CTE Cooperative

In today’s rapidly evolving job market, the importance of Career and Technical Education (CTE) and Computer Science (CS) education cannot be overstated. However, offering these crucial educational opportunities can be particularly challenging for our smaller, [...]

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