
ESD 112 Audiology Department serves 30 school districts in six counties in Southwest Washington.

Audiological Services

Audiological Services

Hearing is essential to the development of spoken language. Hearing impairment, even in mild ranges, can impact speech and language learning which can have far reaching effects on a child’s academics as well as their social and emotional development.

Early hearing evaluations can identify the presence of a hearing loss and allow for implementation of interventions such as hearing aids or other listening/ learning accommodations. Research shows children with hearing loss have the best opportunities for keeping up with normal hearing peers if they are identified and fit with appropriate amplification by 6 months old.

How We Can Help

ESD 112 Audiology Department serves 30 school districts in six counties in Southwest Washington for the following services:

  • Provide comprehensive hearing assessments to any child (ages 6 months – 21 years) within our service area. Evaluations are conducted at NO COST to the family.

  • Fitting and dispensing hearing aids for children with hearing loss. Hearing aids are provided at a reduced cost thanks to state funding. ESD 112 Audiology works with all state and most private insurance companies.

  • Help families find funding sources for hearing-related equipment.

  • Provide assistive technology to hearing impaired students as appropriate and as designated by education support plans. Train students, staff, and teachers on care and use of equipment.

  • Participate in student education support teams and provide recommendations for classroom accommodations. Train teachers and parents how best to support children with hearing loss and their listening needs.

Hearing Impaired Services

Hearing Impaired Services

Contact us for the following services:

  • Classroom help for hearing impaired students
    • Observations and evaluations
  • Consultation to teachers, staff  and parents
  • Equipment monitoring

Who to Contact

Jennifer Lootens, M.Ed

Teacher of Deaf and Hard of Hearing


Phone: 360-952-3523



Facts on Hearing Loss in Children

Hearing loss affects 12,000 children born in the United States each year, making it the most common birth defect. Children with hearing loss who begin early intervention services at a young age have significantly better developmental outcomes than similar children who begin intervention later. Most children with hearing loss who receive appropriate services from trained staff and utilize amplification consistently are able to progress at age-appropriate rates.

Program Contacts

Contact Audiological Services

Parents can contact us or any school staff member can reach us at the numbers listed below. Email is also a great way to get in touch with the audiologists directly.

Rachel Dillman, MS CCC-A



Phone: 360-952-3532


Colleen Wahto BSN, RN

Health Services Director


Phone: 360 952 3577


Amanda Nielsen. Au.D. F-AAA



Phone: 360-952-3535


Maura Daniels, Au.D. F-AAA



Phone: 360 952 3493


Kalani Cox Au.D. CCC-A



Phone: 360 952 3402


Sharon Green

Program Assistant

Fax: 360-906-1010


Phone: 360-952-3536


Contact Hearing Impaired Services

Jennifer Lootens, M.Ed

Teacher of Deaf and Hard of Hearing


Phone: 360-952-3523


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Early Support for Infants and Toddlers - Clark CountyFebruary 20, 2025 at 1:56pm
Take a look at these great book recommendations from FVRL to read with your little ones! Reading together is a great activity on a rainy day.

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Specialized Services News

Spero Center takes flight in new facility

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Graduation ceremony celebrates outstanding STEPS students

In June, ESD 112's Student Transition Educational Program Services (STEPS) commemorated their students’ accomplishments in a graduation ceremony. This life-changing, community-based program designed for 18-21-year-olds with disabilities offers vital support as students transition from high [...]

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