Behavioral Health Navigator

Behavioral Health Navigator2025-02-26T09:31:01-08:00
Behavioral Health Navigator

Increasing access to behavioral health support and care for students and families


About the Behavioral Health Navigator

The RSSC behavioral health navigator assists school districts within the ESD 112 region with the development and implementation of comprehensive suicide prevention and behavioral health supports for students with the goal of increasing access to care for youth and families.

The program offers no-cost training, consultation, and support for suicide prevention, intervention, and postvention, as well as behavioral health service and resource navigation.


Our services include:

  • Suicide prevention training for school counselors, school psychologists, and school social workers;
  • Facilitating partnerships and coordination between existing systems of behavioral health and school districts;
  • Assisting school districts in building capacity to identify and support students in need of behavioral health care services;
  • Providing Medicaid billing related training, technical assistance, and coordination between school districts; and
  • Guidance in implementing best practices in response to, and to recover from, the suicide or attempted suicide of a student.


Behavioral Health Tools & Resources

Model District Template: Student Social, Emotional and Behavioral, and Mental Health Recognition, Screening, and Response

This document guides districts to carry out the screening process for students and to refer and respond for appropriate intervention in a manner that is consistent with research-based practices and compliant with the law.

Additional Documents & Tools

Crisis Lines

Crisis Lines

National and Washington State Crisis Lines

  • National Suicide Prevention and Crisis Lifeline: 988
  • The Trevor Project: 866-488-7386
  • Seattle Children’s Referral Line: 833-302-5437
  • Crisis Text Line: Text START to 741-741

Regional Crisis Lines

  • Clark County: 800-626-8137
  • Cowlitz County: 800-803-8833
  • Klickitat County: 800-572-8122
  • Skamania County: 509-427-3850
  • Wahkiakum County: 360-795-8630


Who to Contact

Susan Peng-Cowan

Behavioral Health Navigator


Phone: 360-952-3612


Upcoming Classes & Events

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Student & School Success News

Prevent expands opioid prevention efforts

Prevent Coalition (Prevent), a community coalition formed in 2003 and supported by the fiscal agent Educational Service District 112, has received an Opioid Prevention Grant to help fight opioid misuse among youth in Clark County. [...]

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