Driver Instructor Training Course

Driver Instructor Training Course2018-10-19T09:25:52-07:00

School Bus Driver Instructors are an essential part of the student transportation team in any district.


Driver Instructor Training Course

School Bus Driver Instructors are an essential part of the student transportation team in any district. Qualified applicants must successfully complete a six-day course to become a Washington State authorized school bus driver instructor.

With time spent in the classroom and behind-the-wheel of a school bus, participants receive training in all aspects of school bus driver instructing including writing and presenting lesson plans, effective classroom instruction, reference point driving instruction, and the rules and regulations of the Washington State pupil transportation industry.

Course Information

Driver Instructor Training Course Registration

Registration for the Driver Instructor Training Course will follow a three-tiered approach in the following order of priority:

  • Tier 1:  Scholarships  –  Organizations providing full scholarships for the registration fee will have reserved spots for identified recipients that meet the criteria of the program.
  • Tier 2: High Need –  High need districts can apply for spots on a first-come, first-served basis for identified individuals meeting one of the following criterion.
    •  1. Employer’s driver pool includes less than 6% State certified School Bus Driver Instructors:
      • 6 instructors divided by 100 authorized drivers = (6/100=0.06)
      • 5 instructors divided by 50 authorized drivers = (5/50=0.10)
      • 2 instructors divided by 25 authorized drivers = (2/25=0.08)
      • 3 instructors divided by 75 authorized drivers = (3/75=0.04)
    • 2.  A Driver Instructor is retiring or leaving, which will leave a driver pool that includes less than 6% State certified School Bus Driver Instructors; or
    • 3.  Employer requires applicant to obtain State certification as an authorized School bus Driver Instructor as a condition for employment or promotion..
  • Tier 3: Open Enrollment – The open enrollment process is conducted on a first-come, first-served basis for those applicants that meet the program criteria.

Open Enrollment Process:

  • To obtain an Open Registration Request formapplicants must email a request to beginning March 12.
  • The Open Registration Request form is to be submitted electronically beginning at 7:00PM on March 15, Pacific Time.
  • The Open Registration Request form will only be accepted starting on this date and time.
  • Requests will be electronically time-stamped.
  • According to the number of spots available, applicants will be notified as to their status of their request.
  • Successful applicants will receive a Course Application Packet for completion.
  • The Course Application Packet must be submitted by Saturday, March 30.
  • ESD 112 will facilitate the registration by processing the Course Application Packet and collecting registration payment.


Frequently Asked Questions About the Driver Instructor Training Course

July 14-26, 2025

Educational Service District 112
2500 NE 65th Avenue
Vancouver WA 98661

Registration is facilitated by the ESD 112 Regional Transportation Registrar through a 3-tier process (Scholarships, High Need, and Open Registration) and by submission of the corresponding application. For further information please contact Regional Transportation at ESD 112.

The registration fee is $1200.00. Accepted forms of payment for registration is credit/debit card, or purchase order. If you choose purchase order, please provide a PO number with your application and send a hard copy of the purchase order to:

Educational Service District 112
ATTN: Megan West
2500 NE 65th Avenue, Vancouver WA 98661

You will receive an email notification upon registration.

Class begins at 8:00 a.m. on Monday.

Plan to be in class until 4:00 p.m. on Saturday.

You are responsible for all your own meals. A list of some of the area restaurants are available upon request.

A list of area hotels is available upon request. You are responsible for making your own lodging arrangements.

Dress is mostly casual. You will spend time outside driving, so you may want to dress in layers. Don’t forget your driving shoes! You will be required to give a presentation, so be sure to bring business-casual attire.

Come prepared with note taking/writing materials and a laptop computer.


Who to Contact

For more course information, e-mail Mark Dennis. For registration questions, contact Megan West.

Mark Dennis

Region 3 Coordinator


Phone: 360-299-4008


Megan West

Transportation Specialist


Phone: 360-952-3641


School Bus Drivers Wanted

Paid CDL training. Apply below or call 360-750-7510.

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