ESD 112 does not discriminate in any programs or activities on the basis of race, religion, creed, color, sex, national origin, marital status, sexual orientation, gender expression or identity, age, honorably discharged veteran or military status, the presence of any sensory, mental, or physical disability, or the use of a trained guide dog or service animal by a disabled person.
The following individuals have been designated to handle questions and complaints of alleged discrimination:
- Civil Rights Coordinator: Melissa Kreuder, 360-952-3328,
- Sex Discrimination – Title IX Coordinator: Wendy Niehaus, 360-952-3574,
- Disability – ADA/504 Compliance Officer: Jeffrey Niess, 360-952-3529,
The above information will be provided in the appropriate language for persons with limited English language skills by contacting the ESD at 360-750-7500.
Students, Parents and/or Guardians with Concerns
Students, parents and/or guardians participating in any of the following ESD 112 programs:
Curae Center, Spero Center, Florens Academy, Gorge Academy, Quest Academy, Student Transition Educational Program Services (STEPS), Open Doors, Early Learning and Child Care Centers
should contact the following individuals for assistance with questions and concerns about alleged discrimination, sex discrimination, disability discrimination, harassment, intimidation and bullying (HIB), and/or gender inclusivity:
Student Discrimination Concerns
Melissa Kreuder, Civil Rights Coordinator
Phone: 360-952-3328
Student Sex Discrimination/ Sex-Based Harassment / Harassment, Intimidation, and Bullying (HIB) Concerns
Wendy Niehaus, Title IX / HIB Coordinator
Phone: 360-952-3574
Student Disability Discrimination Concerns
For Open Doors, ESD 112 Early Learning and Child Care Centers contact:
Melissa Kreuder, Civil Rights Coordinator
Phone: 360-952-3328
For Curae Center, Spero Center, Florens Academy, Gorge Academy, Quest Academy, STEPS contact:
Jeffrey Niess, ADA Compliance Coordinator
Phone: 360-952-3529
Gender-Inclusive Programs for Students
Jillany Wellman, Gender-Inclusive Programs Coordinator
Phone: 360-952-3552
HIB, Discrimination, Sexual Harassment, and Gender Inclusive Schools Student Handbook Language
ESD 112 student programs and activities are meant to be safe and inclusive environments where all students are welcome and protected. Please read ESD 112’s student handbook language adapted per OSPI’s model student handbook language related to HIB, discrimination, sexual harassment, and gender-inclusive schools as required by RCW 28A.300.286.
ESD 112 Employees with Concerns
ESD 112 employees with questions about or complaints of alleged discrimination, including sex discrimination, sexual harassment, or requests for disability related accommodations should contact:
Melissa Kreuder, Human Resources Director, 360-952-3328 or