Resiliency resource fair pairs educators and community organizations to support youth

School staff, student assistance professionals and other youth behavioral health providers are invited to attend a special event to get information about programs that are available to youth in their schools and communities. Hosted by Educational Service District 112 and the Prevent Coalition, the Resilience Education Fair is designed to connect educators who provide youth services and those who have important resources related to youth resiliency. The fair is on September 18, 2019 from 3:30-5 p.m. at the ESD 112 Conference Center, 2500 NE 65th Ave., Vancouver. 

“We are thrilled to host this event where we bring educators and community partners together to become better informed and learn from each other about youth resiliency,” said Christopher Belisle, ESD 112 community prevention project coordinator. “Our goal is to build youth resiliency and hope through collaboration,” he added.

The event will begin with a brief panel presentation from service providers and will feature a community spotlight highlighting success stories from three outstanding programs. Following the opening presentation, guests can visit with professionals from the community organizations and find out about programs and resources to help students get the services they need.

Participating community organizations include the YWCA, Triple Point, Teen Talk, FYSPRT (Family Youth System Partner Round Table), Fort Vancouver Regional Library, Janus Youth Programs, Police Activities League, the Youth Mobile Crisis, the SMART team, Clark County STASHA (Strong Teens Against Substance Hazards & Abuse) and many more!

Light refreshments will be provided; guests do no need to RSVP, but providers who would like a table should contact Belisle by emailing

More information can be found on Facebook: or on the Prevent Coalition website:

New Youth Empowerment Project aimed at building healthy relationships with adult role models

Community members are also invited to attend the newly announced “Youth Empowerment Project” on Tuesday, September 17, 2019 from 3:30 PM – 5 PM in the ESD 112 Conference Center. The project is designed to help youth build healthy relationships with positive role models, develop leadership skills such as public speaking and advocacy, and implement local prevention projects or campaigns.

“We want to motivate and inspire young people to pursue their goals and dreams. This project will help youth overcome obstacles and build resilience,” said Belisle.

For more information visit or contact Belisle at