The spring sports season is here. Here are some sports risk management best practices to follow.
Coaches are expected to:
- Follow the rules and regulations of the WIAA
- Provide a properly maintained facility or field for student athletes to practice and compete
- Inspect the facility or field before play
- Pre-plan drills and practice/game activities for safety and appropriateness
- Evaluate athletes prior to practices and games for injury and ability to play
- Provide only equipment approved by the National Operating Committee on Standards for Athletic Equipment
- Inspect the condition of the equipment regularly and repair or replace defective equipment
- Instruct athletes on the proper use of equipment and safe procedures for competition
- Provide proper supervision at all times, including transportation and overnights
- Provide timely and appropriate emergency medical service to injured athletes
- Complete training in concussion and sudden cardiac arrest awareness and document any instances of concussion protocol
- Be weather aware. If you can hear thunder you can be struck by lightning
- Discuss and warn athletes and parents of the risks of playing the sport. Use a sports specific parental consent form and maintain the signed consent forms in your records
- Do not allow students to operate powered field maintenance equipment
- Document all injuries on a student accident report and notify parents of the injury
Student athletes also have responsibilities and are expected to:
- Follow your district’s rules and Athletics Code of Conduct, report suspected violations to the coach
- Wear all equipment issued by the coach and advise the coach of any concerns/issues with the equipment
- Advise the coach of any illness or injury that has occurred
- Warm-up before participation
- Stay alert to your surroundings and report any concerns or hazards to your coach immediately
- Follow all sport specific safety rules