
News @ the 112


Career Connect Southwest distributes over $100,000 to regional schools and organizations

March 27th, 2023|Career Readiness & STEM News, Program Spotlight, Student & School Success News|

In February 2023, Career Connect Southwest (CCSW) began distributing over $100,000 in funding to support program development related to career connected learning to schools and organizations throughout the Southwest Washington region. CCSW has three local networks spanning six Southwest Washington [...]

Regional School Safety Center creates model for supporting student safety & well-being

March 24th, 2023|Prevention & Youth Services News, Program Spotlight, Student & School Success News|

Block & Department of Education Grants Provide Funding for More Mental Health Staff School districts in need of mental health, behavioral health, safety planning resources, and substance use prevention now have access to expanded resources through ESD 112’s Regional School [...]

Robots roam the region in ESD 112

March 21st, 2023|Career Readiness & STEM News, District Spotlight, Professional Development News, Program Spotlight, Student & School Success News|

ESD 112 has been providing professional learning and loaning computer science materials to teachers for the past several years. As part of this initiative to promote computer science education in Southwest Washington, we recently visited two elementary schools to observe [...]

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