Hispanic Heritage Month celebrated across ESD 112 schools
In October, local schools embraced a colorful celebration of culture and diversity: Hispanic Heritage Month. Celebrated from mid-September to mid-October, Hispanic Heritage Month recognizes the Hispanic community's rich history, culture, and contributions. Schools across the ESD 112 region enjoyed [...]
Community members join forces for Cannabis Policy and Youth Safety Workshop
The Prevent Coalition and Central Vancouver Coalition recently held a community learning session during their October 17 General Meeting to provide insights into cannabis regulation, youth safety, and the history of cannabis legalization in Washington. The event, held at ESD [...]
Clark County residents safely dispose of over 2,500 pounds of medications
Over 760 Clark and Klickitat county residents safely disposed of 2,574 pounds of unused medications and syringes during a multi-site drug take-back event on Saturday, October 26th. The medication disposal event was organized by a coalition of local prevention groups, [...]
Prevent Coalition’s conference tackles substance misuse in Washington State
This September marked Prevent Rural Network’s 2nd Conference, held in Yakima, Washington and bringing together 100 participants from rural communities across Washington State to address youth substance misuse prevention in rural communities. The two-day event centered on the theme “Cultivate, [...]
Five drive-thru medication disposal events coming to Clark County on October 26
Clark County residents can safely dispose of unused medications at five convenient drive-thru locations on Saturday, October 26, from 10 AM to 2 PM. This free service is provided by collaborating with local prevention groups, law enforcement agencies, and medical [...]
Expanding education with the Rural CTE Cooperative
In today’s rapidly evolving job market, the importance of Career and Technical Education (CTE) and Computer Science (CS) education cannot be overstated. However, offering these crucial educational opportunities can be particularly challenging for our smaller, rural school districts. In the [...]
AWSL hosts Fall Leadership Days for students in ESD 112 and beyond
In October 2024, the Association of Washington Student Leaders (AWSL) hosted 12 Fall Leadership Days for middle school students across the state. These regional workshops unite student leaders together to explore self-development, leadership, and their role in shaping school culture. [...]
Schools install book vending machines to promote literacy
For a handful of schools in Educational Service District (ESD) 112, book vending machines are feeding hungry minds. Local schools like Eisenhower Elementary, Hockinson Heights Elementary, and St. Helens Elementary have installed book vending machines as a creative approach to [...]
Southwest Washington schools recognized as 2024 Schools on the Rise
The Association of Washington School Principals (AWSP) has recognized 21 schools statewide with the prestigious 2024 AWSP Schools on the Rise awards. Among these, four schools from Educational Service District (ESD) 112 have earned this notable distinction: River HomeLink, Battle [...]