
News @ the 112


Standard Response Protocol Initiative launched for enhanced regional school safety

March 7th, 2024|Community Partnerships, District Spotlight, Program Spotlight, School Safety News, Student & School Success News, Videos|

In a significant move towards bolstering school safety and emergency preparedness, ESD 112’s Regional School Safety Center hosted an online forum on February 7 dedicated to implementing the Standard Response Protocol across schools and emergency response teams. This initiative aims [...]

One Prevention Alliance Coordinator, Karen Douglass, Wins Regional Award for Work in Prevention of Drug and Alcohol Abuse

March 6th, 2024|Awards and Accolades, Community Partnerships, Prevention & Youth Services News|

Karen Douglass, Community Prevention Project Coordinator for One Prevention Alliance Community Coalition, was recently named Member of the Year at the Skamania County Chamber of Commerce’s annual dinner. A One Prevention Alliance community partner, Anna Henschel from Skyline Health, [...]

Washington teachers connect Social Justice with Climate Education

February 22nd, 2024|Career Readiness & STEM News, Community Partnerships, District Spotlight, Program Spotlight, State & National News, Student & School Success News|

On February 8, teachers from across the region gathered for the “Climate Justice League, Assemble!” workshop. Held at Vancouver’s Water Educational Resource Center, the workshop aimed to deepen participants’ understanding of climate justice. Through self-reflection, small group brainstorming, and group [...]

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