
News @ the 112


Rep. Stonier discusses child care challenges during visit to early learning center

October 4th, 2021|Childcare/Family Services News, Early Learning News, State & National News|

Washington State Representative Monica Stonier recently visited ESD 112’s Hough Early Learning Center (ELC) in downtown Vancouver to hear about the challenges local child care providers and stakeholders face in making child care both accessible and affordable to families. Stonier, [...]

Prevent Coalition seeks home builder and property manager partnerships for Locks Save Lives Home campaign

September 27th, 2021|Community Partnerships, Prevention & Youth Services News, Student & School Success News, Videos|

In an effort to promote the safe and secure storage of prescription medications, a group of local home builders, property managers and realtors are now purchasing and installing locking cabinets, drawers or lockboxes in each of the homes they build, [...]

Conducting a safety inspection

September 24th, 2021|School Safety News|

The purpose of safety and health inspections is to identify and correct unsafe conditions and work practices before an injury occurs. Identifying unsafe conditions relates to the physical environment hazards that may be present in the school while unsafe work [...]

Hypertension 101

September 21st, 2021|School Safety News|

Hypertension, or high blood pressure, is a common condition that can eventually lead to serious health problems. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), it affects nearly half of American adults, even though many people don’t realize [...]

World Mental Health Day

September 17th, 2021|School Safety News|

October 10 marks World Mental Health Day, a day observed to spread mental health awareness and remove attached social stigmas. Mental disorders affect nearly 12% of the world’s population — meaning about 450 million will experience a mental illness that would [...]

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