On Monday, June 6, 19 graduates donned caps and gowns as the first graduating class of ESD 112’s Open Doors program. Eight of the graduates received diplomas and 11 received GEDs.
The ESD campus was packed with over 130 family members, graduates, and staff members to celebrate the accomplishments of the Open Doors Class of 2016. ESD 112 board members Ann Campbell and Darlene Stickel were in attendance as well, along with Superintendent Tim Merlino and Associate Superintendent of Teaching and Learning Barbara Lomas.
Graduates of the program and their families had much to celebrate. The students entered the program credit deficient and were able to receive their high school credentials through a lot of hard work and determination, with guidance from Open Doors case managers.
The Open Doors program was created in 2015. It is an OSPI approved consortium of nine school districts in Clark County that provides services for at-risk youth ages 16–21. Services include: Flexible learning plans, personalized support, GED preparation, high school credit recovery, career preparation and more.