Six area substance abuse prevention coalitions are coming together to host Put Youth First!, a workshop and conversation that offers tools and information about the science of prevention. The event will provide an overview of the coalitions and what they do, and an active discussion about community empowerment, proven prevention effectiveness outcomes and strategic planning. Attendees will also have the opportunity to engage in an open dialogue with coalition representatives and community leaders kicked off by Clark County Councilor Chair Marc Boldt.
Mayor Anne McEnerny-Ogle will provide the welcome address for Put Youth First!, held on Thursday, February 1st, from 3:30 to 5:30 pm at ESD 112, 2500 NE 65th Ave. in Vancouver. The event is free and open to the public. Business leaders, elected officials, school principals, neighborhood leaders and anyone interested in learning about effective strategies to keep youth drug and alcohol free are encouraged to attend. Light refreshments will be served.
Prevention coalition members include: Prevent Coalition; West Van for Youth; Unite! Washougal Community Coalition; Prevent Together-Battle Ground, La Center United and Connect Evergreen.
For more information, visit