Regional ELA Services

Regional ELA Services2023-06-27T08:30:59-07:00

Providing job–embedded learning that engages teachers in constructive teaming.

ELA Services

Personalized Literacy Learning

ESD 112 English Language Arts (ELA) Coordinators work throughout the region with school districts to assist in the implementation of the Washington State Learning Standards for English Language Arts. Our staff can provide job-embedded learning that engages teachers in constructive teaming to improve teaching practices and student learning or formalized professional development training.

These professional development opportunities can be designed to be one-time, short term training or repeated site visits. They are designed to meet the needs of your building or district. The support can be provided to teacher teams, full teaching staff, PLCs or other leadership teams.

Suggested topics are utilizing data to drive instruction, foundational skills training, and development of a cross battery assessment plan, training on the components of literacy, and building a tiered instructional model.

District Training

Services Tailored for your District

How we serve your district

ESD 112 English Language Arts (ELA) Coordinators work throughout the region with school districts to assist in the implementation of the Washington State Learning Standards for English Language Arts. Our staff can provide job-embedded learning that engages teachers in constructive teaming to improve teaching practices and student learning or formalized professional development training.

These professional development opportunities can be designed to be one-time, short term training or repeated site visits. They are designed to meet the needs of your building or district. The support can be provided to teacher teams, full teaching staff, PLCs or other leadership teams.

Together, we can increase student learning by:

  1. Developing a system with strong regional support
  2. Building and maintaining leadership capacity
  3. Providing consistent, high-quality professional learning to improve teachers’ pedagogical skills

Customized K-4 Literacy Training

The ESD 112 English Language Arts Literacy Program provides a variety of literacy services to our partnering school districts. From many professional learning opportunities to very customized and tailored coaching, we can provide a multitude of services that equip districts with their literacy curriculum needs. Our district or site based teams will complete a review of your curriculum, assessment, instruction, and intervention components of your reading system. This process uses evidence-based practice, district data, and a tiered intervention approach, and will provide evidence of strengths and opportunities for growth. Our emphasis on analysis and prioritization provides you with tools for future action planning as you continue to grow your program.

Sample Professional Development courses offered:

What Participants Are Saying

“I am excited to tie Common Core expectations to close reading strategies I have learned. I will be able to refine my questioning strategies to build deep understanding and promote critical thinking.”

ESD 112 Participant

Literacy Resources

Literacy Educational Resources

Local & State Document Links

Washington State Smarter Balanced Resources

  1. Washington State Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium (OSPI)
  2. Smarter Balanced

Washington Comprehensive Assessment Program

ESSB 5946: Strengthening Student Educational Outcomes

Menu of Best Practices and Strategies
Strengthening Student Educational Outcomes: Technical Report on Best Practices and Strategies for English Language Arts.

Washington Common Core Standards

Achieve The Core Save
Common Core State Standards Resources

Common Core State ELA Standards

Common Core State ELA Standards: Vertical Alignment

Common Core State ELA Standards: Grade Level Comparisons of Secondary Reading & Writing

General Educational Resources

Engage NY
Curriculum modules and many other resources from New York.

The Teaching Channel
Lesson to view and discuss by grade level, content, and topics.

NEWSELA – Nonfiction Literacy and Current Events
Unlimited access to hundreds of leveled news articles and Common Core–aligned quizzes, with new articles every day.

Smithsonian: Tween Tribune 
Lexile leveled current events, lesson plans, quizzes, assessments

The Getty Museum
Science and Literacy extensions and professional development resources.

“The Solution to Reading Comprehension”

Program Contacts

Meet Your Literacy Coordinator

Effie Triol is the Regional Literacy Coordinator for ESD112. She provides focused professional development and instructional support to teachers, administrators and school districts on the transition to the Washington State Learning Standards. Effie brings extensive experience creating and delivering professional development to teachers in the area of the foundational skills of literacy, utilizing data to guide instructional practices and general literacy strategies. She has experience developing programs to support diverse learners, including English Language Learners and Early Learners.

Who to Contact

Effie Triol

Literacy K-4 Coordinator


Phone: 360-952-3413


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ESD 112
ESD 112January 22, 2025 at 12:00pm
In honor of School Board Recognition Month, we are highlighting each of the dedicated volunteer Board Members serving ESD 112. Today, we recognize Heidi Rosenberg, representing District #3, which includes Hockinson School District, part of Battle Ground Public Schools, and Evergreen Public Schools.

We asked Heidi what inspired her to serve as a board member, and she shared: “In my tenure in Capital Programs for Camas School District and Vancouver Public Schools, I worked with ESD 112 on a regular basis for several years and was impressed with the talented staff and how supportive they were to school districts. I see being on the ESD 112 board as a way to continue supporting the great work and positive effect that ESD 112 has on the education of the students of SW Washington."

Fun facts about Heidi: Heidi and her husband are enthusiastic Welsh Corgi fans, with one special corgi of their own named Louie Louie (after the song by The Kingsmen). They even decorate their house with corgis during Halloween and Christmas! 🐕 Heidi is also passionate about her journey of becoming bilingual in Spanish, and is grateful for opportunities to learn from and practice with Spanish speakers from different countries.

Thank you for your dedicated service, Heidi!

Student & School Success News

Become a certified teacher at a fraction of the cost with ESD-U

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