Infant-Early Childhood Mental Health Consultation

Infant-Early Childhood Mental Health Consultation2023-05-23T11:25:38-07:00

Partnering mental health professionals with early childhood professionals


About Infant-Early Childhood Mental Health Consultation

Child Care Aware of Washington now offers Infant-Early Childhood Mental Health Consultation to Early Achievers participants and the families they serve.

What is Infant-Early Childhood Mental Health Consultation?

Sometimes called social and emotional health, Infant-Early Childhood Mental Health (IECMHC) refers to the emotional and mental health and wellness of very young children as well as their caregivers and families. The program partners mental health professionals with early childhood professionals to:

  • Strengthen and support the efforts of families, child care providers and early childhood systems to promote the optimal social and emotional development of children
  • Prevent, identify and reduce the impact of mental health challenges for children and families

IECMHC supports the social and emotional well-being of children and adult caregivers, nurtures responsive relationships and can help with the early identification of social, emotional, behavioral and developmental challenges.

Holding Hope Infant-Early Childhood Mental Health Consultation Provided by Child Care Aware of Washington


Who to Contact

Michelle Aguilar

Child Care Aware Manager


Phone: 360-952-3363


ECE State Resources

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