Early Care & Education CTE Job Shadowing Program

CTE Job Shadowing Program2025-02-05T08:41:09-08:00

Experience a day in the life of an early learning professional


About the Program

In collaboration with Early Care & Education and Student & School Success at ESD 112, the CTE Job Shadowing Program offers an opportunity for high school students in SW Washington to experience a day in the life of an early learning professional. Students will be paired with a mentor who they will shadow throughout the work day. Students will be able to ask questions, interact with children and gain hands on experience in this career path.

Early learning providers have submitted interest to be mentors across SW Washington in various ECE positions that include: center director, family home child care teacher/owner, assistant teacher, lead teacher and family support specialist. The goal is to welcome interested students and introduce them to the field in a meaningful way in an effort to develop the ECE educator workforce. Students can shadow multiple ECE roles, visit different child care settings, learn about employment options and higher education opportunities.

ECE CTE Job Shadowing

Program Contacts

Who to Contact

For more information or questions regarding the CTE Early Care & Education Job Shadowing please contact:

Kayli Troelsen

Bilingual Quality Assurance Coordinator


Phone: (360) 952-3673

Email: kayli.troelsen@esd112.org

ECE State Resources

Early Care and Education in the News

Why do parents spend so much on child care, yet childhood educators earn so little?
(Child Care Aware of America, July 11, 2018)

Building a solid foundation
(Camas-Washougal Post-Record, April 11, 2019)

Get Social with Us

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Early Care and Education Child CareMarch 11, 2025 at 12:00pm
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