49th Street Early Learning Center

49th Street Early Learning Center2025-02-11T10:53:12-08:00

Center Hours: 8:00AM – 3:00PM
Center Phone: 360–209–8625


About 49th Street

49th Street Early Learning Center provides full day PreK ECEAP preschool for children 3-5 years old. Children are accepted into PreK ECEAP based on their age, family income, and other developmental or environmental risk factors. Read more about the PreK ECEAP program.

For enrollment or eligibility information, please call 360-952-3466 or email ece.enroll@esd112.org 

Quality and Accessibility

The early years are the most extraordinary period of growth and development in a child’s lifetime. Our ECE centers develop and nurture the relationship between early learning and K-12 so that all schools are ready for children and all children are ready for school. Our programs are strengthened through well-trained and dedicated professionals who provide individualized care based on each child’s needs.


14619 NE 49th St. B
Vancouver, WA 98682

ECEAP Program

The PreK ECEAP Program

PreK ECEAP includes preschool education, health services coordination, and family support services. Children who participate in the program learn to manage their feelings, get along with others and follow classroom routines. They build the beginning skills for reading, math and science. The program works closely with parents to support their children’s health and education and to meet family goals. PreK ECEAP also helps families access medical and dental care and social services.

The program includes:

  • Preschool instruction
  • Developmental screenings and referrals
  • Nutritious meals and snacks
  • Health and dental screenings
  • Home Visits
  • Parent Leadership Opportunities
  • Family Events
  • Kindergarten Readiness Activities
  • Transportation provided in some service areas

Children are accepted into PreK ECEAP based on their age, family income, and other developmental or environmental risk factors.

Serving the Following School Districts

  • Battle Ground Public Schools
  • Evergreen Public Schools
  • Lyle School District
  • Vancouver Public Schools
  • Ocean Beach School District
  • White Salmon School District


For questions about availability please contact our Enrollment Team (ERSEA Team) at 360-952-3466 or ece.enroll@esd112.org.

Register online if the center of your choice has openings and you are ready to submit a registration request. Our ERSEA Team will review your submission and either request additional information or approve your request and send a contract for your signature. The contract will identify the start date and daily rate for care.

As of August 2020 Washington State does require up to date Certificate of Immunizations records or Certificates of Exception to participate in our Early Care and Education programs. Please call our ERSEA Team if you have questions about this process or need information about Immunization Clinics happening in your area.

Certificate of Immunization
Certificate of Immunization Exemption

Contact ECE Child Care Centers

Call: 360-952-3466
Email: ECE Child Care Centers

Parent Central

Log in and pay your bill online.

Inclement Weather & Closures

Flash Alerts
Inclement Weather Procedures

Get Social with Us

Early Care and Education Child Care
Early Care and Education Child CareFebruary 26, 2025 at 3:12pm
Provider Appreciation Day is coming up! We appreciate our wonderful child care providers SO MUCH! We're asking you to share stories about how your life has been impacted by your child care provider. Share your story at the link: https://sanow.cc/TMDRQ, email mandi.eves@esd112.org, or call us at 360-952-3614!

Early Care & Education News

Weathering winter school delays and closures

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