Digital Learning Services

Digital Learning Services2024-04-08T14:05:07-07:00

Transforming learning communities with technology.


About Digital Learning Services

The Digital Learning Services program at ESD 112 provides a variety of services that meet the various needs of the districts we serve. With our vision of transforming learning communities with technology, we are excited to assist schools and districts in using technology effectively for all aspects of teaching and learning.

Our strategic plan is based on our core set of beliefs that will guide us as we develop services in our region:

  • The use and integration of technology is not a goal in itself. Rather, its power comes from supporting a larger purpose.
  • In this interconnected world, a classroom is not a 21st century classroom if technology is not an integral part of the learning environment. Because of its power to engage students and educators in problem-solving, visualizing and analyzing data, communicating and collaborating, and creating new ideas and products, technology is a requirement in today’s classroom.
  • A good technology solution is defined by its power to transform, and not by its glitz.
  • Sometimes, technology can be used to “do things differently.” At other times, technology should be used to “do different things.” Both are acceptable.
  • High-quality professional development, including sustained instructional coaching and facilitation of professional learning communities, is key to successful technology implementation.
Digital Learning Services Great Teaching | Engaging Learning

Our Vision

Schools that are preparing students for their future.

Our Mission

To promote 21st century learning experiences by providing leadership, developing model classrooms, delivering professional development, offering technical assistance and providing ongoing support for the effective use of technology.

Programs & Services

Our Services

Our Programs

AI at ESD 112

ESD 112 offers training, professional development and customized coaching services for districts and teachers needing a tailored approach on how to implement AI into their classrooms.

Digital Media Center

The Digital Media Center provides access to providers of high-quality digital media, curriculum, and research databases.

Our Partner

Washington Learning Source

Professional Dev

Professional Development

The Digital Learning Services Program provides a variety of professional development opportunities for teachers, administrators and other school staff. We’re focused on helping teachers create 21st-century, student-centered learning experiences in their classrooms, creating teacher leaders in the area of technology, and demonstrating how systemic change can happen relatively quickly in a school or district–even if you start small.


Need training on a new (or new-to-you) technology? We offer online and in-person workshops throughout the year on technology topics of interest to teachers. A few examples:

  • Google Apps and Chromebooks
  • Technology tools for media literacy, differentiation, and formative assessment
  • Managing devices in the classroom
  • Integrating technologies like AI, tablets, and VR

Don’t see what you need? Just ask us–we can create and deliver customized workshops for schools and districts in our region.

Focused and Sustained Professional Development

Sometimes, attending a single workshop isn’t enough to really transform a classroom or a leadership role. For districts and educators who want to go a step further, we offer custom, long-term professional development opportunities that can take teaching and learning to the next level.

Upcoming Classes

Check out our current technology professional development class offerings and register for courses at

Special Events

Digital Learning Services offers special events throughout the year, including the Washington Summit featuring Google Apps for Education, the annual Administrative Professionals’ Conference at ESD 112. and many others. Want a summit in your district? Contact us!

Growth & Eval

Professional Growth and Evaluation

Support for Teacher and Principal Evaluation Project

The Digital Learning Services program offers support, assistance and professional development on digital tools that support teacher and principal professional growth.

Our professional development offering include a range of topics, from using Washington’s own online eVAL tool as a support to growth and evaluation activities, to using technology for lesson capture and principal walk-throughs, to improving instructional and professional practice in the frameworks:


Digital Learning Contacts

Kristina Wambold

Integrated Educational Technology Coordinator


Phone: 360-952-3393


Katherine Livick

Instructional Technology Coordinator


Phone: 360-952-3395


Sammy Carroll

Secretary II, Student and School Success


Phone: 360-952-3303


Free Google Apps for Education Resources

Enjoy these free tips, tricks, video tutorials, and ideas for using Google Apps in your classroom courtesy of the DigitalBug.

Quick Video Tutorials

How to Loop or Autoplay a Google Presentation
How to Set Domain Autocomplete in Google Console
Finding your Chrome Web Store Apps

Additional Information

For districts in ESD 112’s service region, the contractual fees for workshops listed on this web site are charged at a rate of $950 per day for the first ten days. For more extensive contracts within the same school year, discounts are available. Please contact us for more information.

Please Note: Rates effective September 1, 2017 and subject to change. Due to the extensive travel required to serve some locations, rates may vary based on actual travel expenses.

The contractual fees for workshops listed on this web site are charged at a rate of $1,500 per day for districts outside of ESD 112’s region, plus reimbursement for actual program travel expenses. For organizations that want consecutive days of training, the cost is $1,500 for the first two days, and then $1,350 per day after that, plus reimbursement for actual travel expenses. Workshop fees may vary, based on the degree of customization desired, your location, the number of consecutive days desired at a single location, and other pertinent factors. Please Note: Rates effective September 1, 2017 and subject to change.

To ensure a quality experience for participants, our hands-on workshops are limited to no more than 24 participants.

Clock hours are available for all workshops, and are provided by Educational Service District 112. Participants pay an additional fee for clock hours.

To schedule professional development for your school, district or agency

Because of the high demand for our workshops, you are encouraged to talk to one of the DigitalBug experts as soon as possible to get on their calendar.

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