Clock Hours

Clock Hours2024-04-08T13:49:00-07:00

Look here for all of your clock hour needs


About Clock Hours

Clock hours are required for most teachers, administrators and ESE certificate holders in Washington State. Clock hours may be earned for salary placement and may also be required to maintain certification. ESD 112 is an approved clock hour provider in Washington State. If professional development is offered by an outside agency, it is important to check that the agency is approved by OSPI to provide clock hours in Washington. If not, the professional development hours may not be used for certificate maintenance or salary purposes. Certificates of completion are not valid forms of clock hour documentation. If your district is a member of the ESD 112 Clock Hour Coop, you may submit your clock hour in-service form from an outside provider to us and we will manually add the clock hours to your pdEnroller transcript. Outside providers do not use pdEnroller so they will not issue a claim code.

Teacher Certificate Renewal Information:

*Beginning July 1, 2023, teacher and administrator certificate renewal applications must include evidence of professional learning focused on equity-based school practices (HB 1426). Teachers must complete 15 clock hours focused on equity-based school practices. Administrators must complete 10 clock hours on equity-based school practices, 10 clock hours on educational leadership standards, and five hours on government-to-government relations with tribal nations

*There is currently a 15 clock hour STEM requirement for educators that hold a STEM-required endorsement.

In the ESD 112 region, we have many districts that are members of our Clock Hour Cooperative and participants from these districts do not pay for clock hours. Click here for a list of member districts.

The clock hour process is entirely online. ESD 112 maintains all required clock hour records for seven years.

Clock Hour Transcripts

Clock hour official transcripts are available to print at no charge via your pdEnroller account located in the Clock Hours menu.

Go to Tutorial >

Clock Hour Proposals

Clock hour proposals submitted to ESD 112 must be approved by our Clock hour Committee and must meet the guidelines set forth in the WACs to be considered. Click here for instructions for submitting a proposal.

Member Districts

Clock Hour Cooperative Districts  2022-2023

Certificated employees in the following districts do not pay ESD 112 for clock hour recording.

If you have a question about your district participation, or wish to have your district become a member of the cooperative, please contact your district office.

pdEnroller Tutorials

pd Enroller Tutorials

pdEnroller is an online course and event registration system. Teachers can search and enroll in courses offered by Washington State ESDs, and OSPI-approved third-party clock hour providers.

Click on a topic below to learn more.. Click on a topic below to learn more.

If you have ever had an account in escWorks, you have an account in pdEnroller. You will need to activate your imported account. Please do not create a duplicate account. First, click on the blue box on the upper right that says, “New to pdEnroller. Click here to activate your account.

  1. You will then be directed to the screen below where you will enter your email address and click on the green, “Let’s get started” button.
  2. An email with a secure link will be sent. Open the link to set up a new password. You will update your profile information to complete the onboarding process.

Once your account has been activated, you can log in to your pdEnroller account.

  1. Login to pdEnroller and search the course catalog. Some things to keep in mind when searching:
    • There are multiple ESDs using this catalog. There is a region dropdown menu at the top left of the main screen for accessing specific ESD offerings.
    • Under advanced filters, you can filter your search based on date range, classroom/online, TPEP and STEM.
  2. Select a course you are interested in for detailed information. Every course has contact information for inquiries.
  3. Click the green “Register Now” button and follow the prompts for registration and payment (if applicable).
  4. If course is full, you will have an option to go on a waitlist. Once a spot becomes available, you will have 24 hours to respond.

You can cancel up to 7 days prior to start of event with a full refund. Cancellations after that date are at the discretion of the department/instructor.

Special Accommodations

If you have accessibility or dietary restrictions, be sure to note this in your user profile. This information will be used for all events you register for in pdEnroller. Also, be sure that the information in your user profile is up to date in case we need to contact you.

When you attend an ESD 112 sponsored event, you will receive a unique code to claim your clock hours. Make sure that you have signed-in at the event as clock hours are verified against the sign-in sheet.

  1. Go to and login. You can also log in to your pdEnroller account, go to the clock hours dropdown menu and then “Claim Clock Hours.”
  2. Enter the unique claim code
  3. Enter the hours you are claiming
  4. Complete the survey and either confirm* or pay for the clock hours.
  5. When ESD 112 receives the sign-in sheet, the hours are verified. You will receive an email once attendance has been verified. Once verified, the hours will automatically record on your ESD 112 clock hour transcript.
  6. You may print the inservice (clock hour form) once the hours have been verified.

You may access the inservice forms by logging in to pdEnroller and going to “My Clock Hours.” You will see the status of your clock hour claim and print the inservice form by clicking on the event title. You may also print your receipt from here if you paid for clock hours.

*Note: ESD 112 Clock Hour Cooperative districts do not pay for clock hours. If you are employed by a coop district and are asked to pay for clock hours, you do not have your district designated correctly in your profile.

Clock hour official transcripts are available to print at no charge via your pdEnroller account located in the Clock Hours menu.

  1. Log in to pdEnroller
  2. Click on the Clock Hours dropdown menu at the time right corner of the main page. Then click on “My Clock Hours.”
  3. This will open up a screen where you will see the blue Download Transcript button. You can also see the clock hours that are in your queue along with completed clock hours.
  4. You can download to view or print an official transcript.


Clock Hours FAQ

If the course is sponsored by an ESD, school district or college/university in Washington, chances are very good it is approved for clock hours. If taking classes from outside agencies, make sure they are either approved through the Professional Educator Standards Board to provide clock hours, or the training has been co-sponsored by an ESD in Washington. Washington does not accept CEUs, contact hours or certificates of completions for clock hour maintenance.

An official clock hour form or official clock hour transcript is needed for proper clock hour documentation.

Yes, one quarter credit is equal to 10 clock hours, and one semester credit is equal to 15 clock hours. College transcripts must be submitted to the school district as they cannot be added to a clock hour transcript. You cannot earn both clock hours and college credits for the same class. You must manually enter these hours into your OSPI/EDS account.

Most teachers, administrators and educational staff associates are required to earn 100 clock hours every five years for certificate maintenance. Many certificates now require 15 STEM clock hours for certification maintenance. See the STEM Q & A  for more information.  Starting July 1, 2023, teachers and administrators will need to show proof of completion of equity-based school practices clock hours in order to renew their certificates. Visit the OSPI website for more details.

No, your district pays us to record your clock hours.  It is your responsibility to get your documentation to ESD 112 for recording.  We will record all official clock hours on your ESD 112 transcript. We do not accept certificates of completion.

If you want to record your clock hours on an ESD 112 transcript, there is a fee of $3 per clock hour or a flat fee of $5 for a non-ESD 112 course. Forms and payment should be sent to ESD 112. Transcripts are accessible through your pdEnroller account.

Clock Hour FAQ Sheets


Clock Hour Contacts

For general inquiries about the clock hour process, please email us at

For questions about transcripts, contact:

Britt Becker


Phone: 360-952-3319


Need Professional Development?


ESD 112’s course and event registration system, pd Enroller, offers users an enhanced system for finding and scheduling professional development events with simple, intuitive navigation, event sharing between organizations and improved payment system.

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