Emergency Summit helps districts prepare
Over 460 school administrators and personnel attended the 2016 Emergency Training Summit August 8 to prepare for the start of a new school year and [...]
Over 460 school administrators and personnel attended the 2016 Emergency Training Summit August 8 to prepare for the start of a new school year and [...]
On August 16 and 17, ESD 112 and ESD 113 will host the Science Summit at Centralia Community College. The Summit brings together the state’s [...]
For 10 years ESD 112 licensed software to manage all of the agency’s courses and events. This software was accessed from the ESD 112 public website and [...]
On March 9, over 100 education job seekers attended the Take Root Job Fair hosted by ESD 112. 12 Southwest Washington school districts and the [...]
Teachers in Longview and Kalama school districts are working hard to stay on the cutting edge of integrating technology into their classrooms. And ESD 112 [...]
For three years, teachers, principals and district administrators have been diving in to TPEP … the new system of teacher and principal professional growth and [...]
On August 12, the Digital Learning Services department hosted its first-ever Google Summit at the ESD 112 Conference and Institute Center. 149 people participated from [...]
The ESD 112 Human Resources Department recently launched a new employment application system to streamline the application process for both applicant and employer. The new [...]