Alternative Routes program helps alleviate teacher shortage
ESD 112 Becomes Certification Provider Finding teachers is becoming especially difficult. It's a challenging job, and with the demand for teachers in general increasing by [...]
ESD 112 Becomes Certification Provider Finding teachers is becoming especially difficult. It's a challenging job, and with the demand for teachers in general increasing by [...]
A three-part series coming in October What leadership moves can we implement to disrupt and dismantle inequitable practices and systems so that all students have [...]
GROWING IN BALANCE: 2017 ADMINISTRATIVE PROFESSIONALS CONFERENCE AT ESD 112 Join us for Administrative Professionals Day... This one-day conference is designed just for administrative assistants [...]
Administrative Assistants, Secretaries and Office Assistants are crucial to supporting the daily functions of ESD departments and programs. And sharing their work and learning from [...]
No matter how long you've been teaching, you've always had to adapt as the world of education changes. New standards for teachers and students, new [...]
Professional learning for teachers and career-connected learning for students The connection between the learning that occurs in the classroom and applying it to real-life [...]
Educators are becoming increasingly fluent in the requirements of TPEP, the Teacher Principal Evaluation system now in its first full year of implementation by all [...]
ESD 112 hosted the second annual DigitalBug Washington Summit featuring Google Apps for Education August 10 where educators from around the state learned how to use Google’s tools and resources [...]
In response to the shortage of educational professionals in Washington state, ESD 112 and 9 local districts partnered in a "Take Root" in Southwest Washington Job [...]
We’re mid-way through 2016 and already ESD 112 has seen growth and change as well as some key successes with our partners in education. Early [...]
Over 460 school administrators and personnel attended the 2016 Emergency Training Summit August 8 to prepare for the start of a new school year and [...]
On August 16 and 17, ESD 112 and ESD 113 will host the Science Summit at Centralia Community College. The Summit brings together the state’s [...]