SHARE summer meals
ESD 112 has partnered with SHARE Summer Meals to offer families another chance to feed their families by allowing children to “shop” our table of [...]
ESD 112 has partnered with SHARE Summer Meals to offer families another chance to feed their families by allowing children to “shop” our table of [...]
On June 12, the ESD 112 Teaching & Learning leadership team came together for their end of the year meeting. The primary focus of the [...]
For over 3 years now, the infamous Music Man Steve has been visiting Hough Early Learning Center weekly to play music and lead interactive songs [...]
Reed Ebeling (left), Erin Ebeling and Susan Bennett of General Federation of Women's Clubs Camas-Washougal during a recent 1,2,3 Grow and Learn session at [...]
In late March, Burton Early Learning Center had a guest volunteer come visit one of the preschool classrooms. She is a local RN who came [...]
Pop quiz: Look at the above picture and answer “How many?” Your first response is probably: “How many what?” And that’s the point. ESD 112 Math [...]
Toddlers at the Park Crest Early Learning Center enjoy the shade of an outdoor play tent constructed by their preschool teacher. Join a [...]
The 1-2-3 Grow and Learn Program at Hathaway Elementary School in Washougal has come to a close for the 2017-18 school year. The program is sponsored by [...]
Videos highlighting programs and creative communications from the Teaching and Learning division of Educational Service District 112 (ESD 112) were recently honored with Merit Awards [...]
On April 4, 2018 Senator Patty Murray visited ESD 112's Hough Early Learning Center to learn more about the parent perspective on the difficulty of [...]
As Senator Patty Murray entered the Hough Early Learning Center she was greeted with smiling preschoolers and a welcome sign speckled with the colorful handprints of [...]
Heather Anderson and Joe Chamberlain love their jobs. “At what other job do you get to go play all day?” says Anderson. “I can’t imagine [...]