ESD 112 Events


Enhancing Quality Early Learning – Year 1

ESD 112 Conference Center Northeast 65th Avenue, Vancouver, Washington, United States

Presenters Jesi Sucku Description EQEL is a 20-hour training that can be completed over 2 years. These first 10 hours include: Culturally Responsive Practices, Responsive [...]

Director’s Cohort


Join your colleagues in an established professional community of learners. Currently our work is guided by member interests and experience, providing opportunities for networking, mentoring, [...]

Motivate, Inspire and Lead


Presenters Carol Flynn Description Motivate, Inspire and Lead will explore leadership motivation and inspiration for the work. It will help early learning leaders distinguish who [...]

Business of Child Care


Presenters Carol Flynn Description This is a comprehensive business curriculum uniquely designed for early childhood business owners & program leadership. This curriculum covers business planning, [...]

Negocio del Cuidado Infantil


Presenters Yisbely Torres Vivian Fernandez Lentz Description El Negocio del Cuidado Infantil es una capacitación empresarial integral que le brinda a los participantes elementos comerciales [...]

Director’s Cohort


Join your colleagues in an established professional community of learners. Currently our work is guided by member interests and experience, providing opportunities for networking, mentoring, [...]

Meaningful Interaction with Infants & Toddlers


Presenters Jesi Sucku Description The first few years of a child’s life are the most important for building connections and fostering development. In this training, [...]

Director’s Cohort


Join your colleagues in an established professional community of learners. Currently our work is guided by member interests and experience, providing opportunities for networking, mentoring, [...]

Playful Dialogues: Expanding Language Through Play


Presenters Jesi Sucku Description This engaging workshop empowers early childhood educators to enrich children's language development through intentional and playful interactions. Learn how to ask [...]

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