Early Career Teacher Development (BEST)

Early Career Teacher Development (BEST)2024-03-27T16:09:11-07:00

Providing support and encouragement for first and second–year teachers.


Beginning Educator Support Team (BEST)

The purpose of the Beginning Educator Support Team program is to provide support and encouragement for teachers in their initial years of teaching in order to strengthen their instructional skills and retain competent teachers in the profession.

New teachers are matched with a trained mentor who visits and supports them in the classroom. Release time is provided for mentees and mentors.

Professional development is focused on knowledge and skills for effective teaching and communicating learning. Mentors have opportunities to participate in OSPI mentor training and regional mentor roundtables. Clock hours are offered for all time spent in professional development.


The ESD 112 BEST program provides:

  • Resources, coaching, and professional learning opportunities to enhance comprehensive learning systems that foster equitable systems for all learners
  • Support, encouragement, and mentoring for first and second-year teachers in order to strengthen their instructional skills and retain competent teachers in the profession
  • Release time for mentees and mentors to observe each other
  • Teacher and mentor stipends for first-year and second-year teachers to support time for learning conversations outside the typical contract day

How it Works

How BEST Works for Mentors & Mentees

  • Meet Weekly
  • Observe one-another teaching
  • Create a Professional Growth Plan
  • Attend free Professional Developments Bi-Monthly with ESD 112
  • Mentor Academy with OSPI (Mentors only)
  • Mentor Roundtables with OSPI (Mentors only)
  • Receive monthly newsletters from ESD 112

Professional Learning

  • Available for all participants – see your newsletter for details
  • No cost
  • Clock hours offered

PD Support

BEST Professional Development Support

This year, the BEST grant provides opportunities for mentors and mentees to meet together in Professional Growth Planning (PGP) sessions and self-evaluate the mentee’s strengths and areas of focus, learn about the Professional Certification Standards and New Teacher Evaluation Criteria, plan professional development opportunities, and network with others around problems of practice.

As part of the mentees’ professional learning, the grant expects mentees to complete a professional growth plan. Mentees are welcome to use templates their district provides or use one provided by BEST and complete the plan on their own or with support from their mentor. The PGPs do not need to be submitted to BEST, but mentees will be expected to complete a reflection on their PGPs at the end of the program before receiving their stipend.

Affinity Groups 2024-2025

Affinity Group Sessions (2024-25)

Please join us to hear more about Affinity Groups and to begin forming intentions together for the co-creation of these spaces.

Affinity Group Sessions (2024-25)

March 18 @ 4:30 pm - 6:30 pm


BEST Mentors

ESD 112 Mentor Resources

Mentor Academies

All Mentor Academies will be run by OSPI virtually.

For new mentors: Mentor Academy 101 – Instructional Mentoring Tools and Skills for Teacher and Student Growth. This is a required training for new mentors. You will develop skills to serve in mentoring and coaching roles.

For returning mentors: Mentor Academy 201 – Taking it Further Mentoring for Growth and Equity. Refine your mentoring skills, build capacity to engage in conversations around equity, and deepen awareness of equitable classroom practices.

Mentor Specialty Opportunities

Mentoring Teachers of Special Education is an optional one-day training focused on mentoring teachers of special education in their three roles-classroom teacher, case manager for students, and lead for adults in their building.

Prerequisite for this academy is prior attendance of Mentor Academy 101. 

Mentor Roundtables

Research on professional development indicates that in order to be effective, it must be ongoing. Mentor roundtables provide a regularly scheduled opportunity for mentors to meet with colleagues to share ideas and challenges, practice skill, and to address role-alike issues and concerns.

All Mentor Roundtables will be run by OSPI virtually.



FAQ about the BEST Program

BEST includes first-year and second-year teachers as defined below. The grant’s purpose is to provide support and encouragement for early career educators in order to strengthen their instructional skills and retain competent teachers in the profession. Fifty percent of teachers leave the profession after seven years, most citing lack of support as a primary reason.

The following districts are part of the ESD 112 BEST Consortium:

  • Battle Ground
  • Castle Rock
  • Centerville
  • ESD 112 ESA
  • Glenwood
  • Green Mountian
  • Hockinson
  • Kalama
  • Kelso
  • Klickitat
  • La Center
  • Longview
  • Mill A
  • Mt. Pleasant
  • Naselle-Grays
  • Ridgefield
  • Roosevelt
  • Skamania
  • Stevenson-Carson
  • Toutle Lake
  • Trout Lake
  • Wahkiakum
  • Washington State School Blind
  • Washougal
  • White Salmon
  • Wishram
  • Woodland

All first and second-year teachers in these districts are eligible to participate.

If a non-consortium district would like to participate, they should contact the ESD 112 Instructional Services Department. There is a for-fee option available.

New teachers can participate in a series of professional development events. Professional development opportunities will include training on instructional frameworks, classroom management, engagement strategies, assessment, and the Common Core State Standards. There will be a combination of online and face-to-face learning opportunities. Clock hours will be offered and courses will be fee-based.

Mentors are required to participate in an OSPI Mentor Academy 101 or Mentor Academy 201 (tune-up for returning mentors). Mentors are also required to attend regional mentor roundtables and are paid to attend three roundtables at curriculum rate for a total of 6 hours. There will be a combination of online and face-to-face learning opportunities. Clock hours will be offered and courses beyond mentor roundtables will be fee-based.

First-year teacher: a new teacher with 179 days or fewer in a continuous, certificated teaching assignment in public or private schools anywhere in the United States. Teachers who have more than 179 days of substitute teaching experience are eligible for funding as a first-year teacher provided that this experience did not include a single, continuous assignment as a certificated teacher for more than 179 days.

Second-year teacher: an individual with 180 days to 359 days of experience in a continuous, certificated teaching assignment in public or private schools anywhere in the United States.

Full-release mentor: experienced teachers who are released from teaching responsibilities to allow dedicated time for mentoring. This may include instructional coaches if their position allows them to prioritize work with new teachers and mentoring is considered part of their assignment. Maximum ratio for full-release mentor with no other responsibilities is 20 new teachers per one mentor. Full-release mentors should observe each new teacher at least 8 times per year.

Conditionally licensed teacher: a new teacher holding a conditional teaching certificate with 179 days or fewer in a continuous, certificated teaching assignment in public or private schools anywhere in the United States. Teachers who have more than 179 days of substitute teaching experience are eligible for funding as a first-year teacher provided that this experience did not include a single, continuous assignment as a certificated teacher for more than 179 days.

Yes, a part-time teacher may participate fully as a first-year or second-year teacher.

First-year teachers receive support from the ESD or their district to participate in PD opportunities funded by the grant and will have access to courses for a reduced fee. Year 1 teachers will receive a $400 stipend for participation in the grant.

Second-year teachers receive support from the ESD or their district to participate in PD opportunities funded by the grant and will have access to courses for a reduced fee. Year 2 teacher will receive a $200 stipend.

Mentors receive pay for mentor time through district allocations and will be paid by their district or ESD 112. Participating districts will plan for mentoring time and coordinate with ESD 112 to plan for compensation to mentors. If mentors are paid directly by ESD 112, they will receive a $600 stipend for mentoring a single Y1 mentee or $400/mentee if mentoring multiple Y1 mentees. Mentors will be paid by ESD 112 or the district at $75 per mentor roundtable for a maximum of 3 roundtables.

Some teachers are paid directly through ESD 112, based on agreements with each participating district. Some districts pay their participants directly and use this compensation structure as a guide. If you are part of a district that pays their participants directly, please contact your HR department with compensation questions.

First-year mentees must sign an assurance that they met with their mentor at least 1-2 hours per week and attended a professional growth planning session with their mentor either in a district session or as organized by regional support. If substitutes can be secured, mentees should be observed by their mentor 3 times during the year. First-year mentees must submit their professional growth goal plan, end-of-year reflection, and complete two online surveys during the school year.

Second-year mentees must submit an end-of-year reflection on professional growth and complete two online surveys during the school year.

New mentors are required to attend Mentor Academy 101.
Find registration and offerings +

Returning mentors are required to attend Mentor Academy 201.
Find registration and offerings +

Mentors must attend a minimum of three mentor roundtables.

Jenny Reynolds

Secretary II


Phone: 360-952-3340

Email: jenny.reynolds@esd112.org

Erin Lucich

Director of School Improvement & Educational Leadership


Phone: 360-952-3545

Email: erin.lucich@esd112.org


Each district has identified a key contact for the BEST grant. They are responsible for getting information out to building principals.

District Key Contacts

Battle Ground: Lynnell Murray, murray.lynnell@battlegroundps.org

Camas: Lisa Greseth, lisa.greseth@camas.wednet.edu

Castle Rock: Paulette Johnson, pjohnson@crschools.org

Centerville: Kristin Cameron, kristin@centervilleschool.org

ESD 112 ESA Specialized Student Services: Janelle Tuttle, janelle.tuttle@esd112.org

Glenwood: Bob Rogers, bob.rogers@glenwoodsd.org

Green Mountain: Mark Williams, mark.williams@greenmountainschool.us

Hockinson: Jennifer Sawyer, jennifer.sawyer@hocksd.org

Kalama: Teresa Burns, teresa.burns@kalama.k12.wa.us

Kelso: Laura Hiatt, laura.hiatt@kelsosd.org

Klickitat: Kendrick Lester, kendrick.lester@klickitatsd.org

La Center: Michelle O’Neil, oneil@lacenterschools.org

Longview: Scott Firth,  sfirth@longview.k12.wa.us

Lyle: Ann Varkados, ann.varkados@lyleschools.org

Mill A: Kelly Stickel, kelly.stickel@millasd.org

Mt. Pleasant: Cathy Lehmann, cathy.lehmann@mtpleasantschool.org

Naselle-Grays: Lisa Nelson, lnelson@naselleschools.org

Ocean Beach: Amy Huntley, amy.huntley@oceanbeachschools.org

Ridgefield: Chris Griffith, chris.griffith@ridgefieldsd.org

Skamania: Katie Chavarria, kchavarria@skamania.k12.wa.us

Stevenson-Carson: Ingrid Colvard, colvardi@scsd303.org

Toutle Lake: Chris Schumaker, cschumaker@toutlesd.org

Trout Lake: Jerry Lewis, j.lewis@tlschool.net

Wahkiakum: Stephanie Leitz, sleitz@wahksd.k12.wa.us

Washington School for the Blind: Sean McCormick, sean.mccormick@wssb.wa.gov

Washougal: Tracey Maclachlan, tracey.maclachlan@washougalsd.org

White Salmon: Rich Polkinghorn, rich.polkinghorn@whitesalmonschools.org

Wishram: Brent Cameron, brent.cameron@wishramschool.org

Woodland: Malinda Huddleston, huddlesm@woodlandschools.org

last updated 8/29/2024 JR

Upcoming Classes & Events

Contact BEST

Erin Lucich

Director of School Improvement & Educational Leadership


Phone: 360-952-3545

Email: erin.lucich@esd112.org

Jenny Reynolds

Secretary II


Phone: 360-952-3340

Email: jenny.reynolds@esd112.org

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