AI at ESD 112

AI at ESD 1122024-05-15T15:40:59-07:00

Using AI in the classroom while prioritizing student well–being and learning above all.


About AI at ESD 112

While the new generative AI tools are already having a significant impact on education, broadly speaking, this is just another technology tool to add to the arsenal. Our existing guidelines for understanding, use, and integration of technology tools give us a solid foundation on which to grow. We see our role as helping teachers to proceed with enthusiasm, optimism, and caution, giving them “guardrails” to start implementing technology in new ways, while continuing to put pedagogy first and prioritize student well-being and learning above all.

Best Practices/State and National Guidance

Upon reviewing the guidance from the Department of Education, Office of Educational Technology, Oregon’s Department of Education and the OSPI guidance several common themes emerged. Below is a summary of the themes guiding ESD 112’s philosophy around AI usage in schools.

Human needs, abilities and experiences are prioritized over full automation.

Teachers cannot and will not be “replaced” by AI, but some low-level individual tasks may be automated while teachers retain the academic freedom to choose what is best for learning. Students should learn to choose the appropriate tools to help them access information and share what they know.

Ensuring equitable, unbiased and inclusive use while warning about the risks of perpetuating inequities and biases.

We must keep AI developers accountable for the content they choose to train their models. Teachers and students should be encouraged to lead with critical thinking and consider the source and potential bias of any AI-generated information.

A strong emphasis on educator professional development and coaching.

Educators should be trusted with the ultimate choice to allow AI to be used in any given assignment. Educators should become comfortable with using AI tools themselves before using them with students. Introduction of AI tools to students should begin with specific critical thinking exercises that require students to analyze the output and impact of the AI tools while getting to know their limitations before AI is used in higher-stakes assignments.

Protecting privacy, complying with relevant laws and securing student information while implementing AI.

AI use in lessons should be anchored in existing digital literacy curriculum while emphasizing critical thinking. School and district policies should be firmly grounded in privacy considerations and clear about what types of information may or may not be input into an AI tool.

Host disclosures of data use about the AI models used in an educational setting. 

AI tools used in schools must comply with strong data privacy agreements. Consensus among Digital tools, including AI tools, employed across districts should sign onto the SDPC Registry if at all possible.

AI ESD 112


Our Services

In addition to ongoing training and professional development, ESD 112 offers customized coaching services for districts and teachers needing a tailored approach on how to implement AI into their classrooms.

Classroom Coaching

Onsite coaching is transforming classrooms, and our classroom technology coaches are available to help teachers learn to use and integrate AI technology with their students’ learning projects. They are available to meet with school and district leaders to help identify a focus of need and a schedule of classroom visitations. Once a customized coaching plan is in place, our staff meets with teachers in the context of their professional learning communities, during their prep time, or even during class, depending upon the needs of the teacher, school, or district.

AI Roundtable

We host a monthly virtual gathering of Teaching & Learning and Instructional Technology leaders around AI. This is a time for everyone to ask questions, share resources such as sample policy or classroom-oriented AI tools, and co-create knowledge around the safe, ethical, and equitable use of AI and other technologies in your districts.

Join us at the AI Roundtable

Monthly, Friday from 9-10am

You don’t have to be an AI expert to attend – frankly, nobody is a true expert on AI in education yet! This is a place to discuss and learn together.

Professional Dev

AI Professional Development

Click on a course below to read more and register on pdEnroller.



Who to Contact

Katherine Livick

Instructional Technology Coordinator


Phone: 360-952-3395


Kristina Wambold

Integrated Educational Technology Coordinator


Phone: 360-952-3393


Free Google Apps for Education Resources

Enjoy these free tips, tricks, video tutorials, and ideas for using Google Apps in your classroom courtesy of the DigitalBug.

Quick Video Tutorials

How to Loop or Autoplay a Google Presentation
How to Set Domain Autocomplete in Google Console
Finding your Chrome Web Store Apps

Additional Information

For districts in ESD 112’s service region, the contractual fees for workshops listed on this web site are charged at a rate of $950 per day for the first ten days. For more extensive contracts within the same school year, discounts are available. Please contact us for more information.

Please Note: Rates effective September 1, 2017 and subject to change. Due to the extensive travel required to serve some locations, rates may vary based on actual travel expenses.

The contractual fees for workshops listed on this web site are charged at a rate of $1,500 per day for districts outside of ESD 112’s region, plus reimbursement for actual program travel expenses. For organizations that want consecutive days of training, the cost is $1,500 for the first two days, and then $1,350 per day after that, plus reimbursement for actual travel expenses. Workshop fees may vary, based on the degree of customization desired, your location, the number of consecutive days desired at a single location, and other pertinent factors. Please Note: Rates effective September 1, 2017 and subject to change.

To ensure a quality experience for participants, our hands-on workshops are limited to no more than 24 participants.

Clock hours are available for all workshops, and are provided by Educational Service District 112. Participants pay an additional fee for clock hours.

To schedule professional development for your school, district or agency

Because of the high demand for our workshops, you are encouraged to talk to one of the DigitalBug experts as soon as possible to get on their calendar.

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