ESD 112 board of directors are strong education advocates in our community.
Board Structure
About the Board
Under law, ESDs are governed by a board of directors consisting of seven citizens who are elected by the school board members in the region’s 30 public school districts. The board members represent geographic director districts based on U.S. Census data. The ESD board is responsible for policy and governance of ESD 112 and for providing direction to the superintendent who is advised by local school district superintendents.
Accountability is exceptionally strong at ESD 112. As authorized by statute, ESDs are directed to be as responsive to local educational needs as possible.

Current Board Members
Current Board Members
ESD 112 is governed by a seven-member board, which is elected by local school board members throughout a six-county geographic region. These volunteers are strong education advocates in our community. They understand education policy and are involved in the issues, opportunities and challenges at both the state and local levels. The ESD 112 board members are the critical link between communities and school districts.
Agendas & Briefs
Upcoming Board Meeting Notice
Board Briefs
Board Policy
Board Policy and Administrative Regulations
Click on a section below to view the policies for that section. If you require these policies in an alternative format, please contact Human Resources.
The Board forms and adopts the policies of ESD 112. The Board receives input and assistance forming policies from the Superintendent, ESD staff, and if needed the counsel of local superintendents in ESD 112.
The Superintendent, or the Superintendent’s designee, develops procedures where required by Board Policy to implement the policy. Procedures are not reviewed by the Board.
Guidelines, Manuals and Operating Practices
Department and Program Managers develop guidelines, manuals and operating practices that address agency, department and program expectations. Guidelines, manuals and operating procedures are reviewed and approved by the ESD 112 Cabinet member that oversees the department or program.
If there is a conflict or ambiguity in policies, procedures or guideline/manual/operating practices, Board Policies govern. ESD procedures govern and must be followed when there is a conflict or ambiguity between a procedure and a department or program guideline, manual or operating procedure.