School Improvement Assistance

School Improvement Assistance2023-01-17T12:38:31-08:00

School Success Equals Student Success

Our Services

System and School Improvement

The OSPI/AESD Statewide Network is a system of aligned professional learning which is data-informed, strategically focused on building educator capacity, and centered on equitable access.

As we work forward with the implementation of the Washington School Improvement Framework (WSIF) and the System and School Improvement support model for all schools, OSPI and ESDs have redesigned services provided to schools identified for supports.

To achieve reduced opportunity gaps, OSPI and ESDs will focus their collective efforts to build data proficiency across the system, strengthen core instruction, deliver tiered supports, improve the service delivery of special education, and support educator effectiveness.

Supports for Schools

Tier I: Targeted with 1-2 Student Groups

Foundational and Tier I supports are designed for schools that have relatively strong instruction models, but need focused supports in a few specific areas as indicated by the WSIF. The supports for Foundational and Tier I that are listed here are just a snapshot of what currently exists in terms of supports in the priority areas of data and equity, core instruction, tiered supports, delivery of special education, and educator effectiveness.

Schools that improve are schools that use data to help determine needs and gaps, and then develop a viable School Improvement Plan (SIP) to address those gaps.

OSPI Data, School Identification and Progress Resources

Teachers in high-achieving schools employ best practice pedagogy, with a high effect size, to ensure students learn at high levels.

Menus of Best Practices

High-achieving schools have established a culture of learning through academic press, social and behavioral supports, and building the relational trust needed for every student to learn and grow. Washington’s Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) framework strengthens the culture of learning.


High-achieving schools maintain a culture of learning, a growth mindset, inclusion, and access to the core instruction and curriculum that ensures that every student learns.

Educators in high-achieving schools have the capacity to provide strong instructional and transformational leadership.

Teacher and Principal Evaluation Program

Early Career Teacher Development Program


Who to Contact

Kathy Whitlock

Executive Director, Student and School Success


Phone: 360-952-3417


Adam Noar

Administrative Assistant


Phone: 360-952-3411


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ESD 112
ESD 112July 19, 2024 at 10:00am
Congratulations to Adara Grieco of Ridgefield High School!

Check out this year's Southwest Washington Regional High School Art Show award winners at, and admire the virtual art gallery featuring submissions from all of the region's talented student artists at Ridgefield School District No 122 #SWWA #StudentArtShow #ArtShow24

Student & School Success News

ESD 112 STEM Rising Star and Regional Partner Awards

Educational Service District 112 celebrated the fourth annual STEM Rising Star and Regional Partner Awards ceremony at Clark College on Tuesday, June 4. Washington STEM and Career Connect Southwest (CCSW) recognized employees, partners, and students [...]

ESD-U Cohort celebrates milestones at in-person event

Candidates enrolled in ESD-U's Special Education, Elementary Education, and English Language Learner cohorts gathered at ESD 112's Conference Center for a professional conference-style event on Saturday, June 1. This event, one of only two in-person [...]

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